Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day

I planned a few special activities for Valentine's Day.

For Math, I had them graphing candy hearts. Students used the hearts as manipulatives to estimate which color they had the most of. Then they colored in hearts on a chart according to color. After we graphed each color they were able to eat that color. Then by the end they could look at the chart and clearly see which one they had the most of!

For religion, I did a pocket chart lesson on 1 Corinthians 13, otherwise known as the Love Chapter. I memorized this chapter when I was young because I would wake up in the morning and curl up by the heater vent in the hallway where there was a poster with the words from 1 Cor. 13. I'm not sure what version this comes from but from memory here goes:

Love is patient. Love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude, never selfish, not quick to take offense. Love keeps no score of wrongs, does not gloat over another's sins but delights in the truth. And these three things remain faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.
For the lesson I had these phrases written on different sentence strips. I would pull a strip up and read what it said then explain what it meant to the class. Then, I would have the class decide if it was something love is or love is never. For example: I pull the word conceited. I explain to the class that conceited means thinking that you are better than everyone else. The class agrees that love is never conceited. I choose one student to put the sentence strip underneath where it says Love is never...

As a craft, I got this cute and fun idea from Mrs. Boor, a family friend and retired Detroit Kindergarten teacher who was kind enough to send me her February and March files in the mail. They are puppies made entirely of hearts. Heart heads, heart ears, heart eyes, heart nose and even cute little heart tongues. I hung this display outside our door for all to see for the month of February.

Below are the cute pencils and pencil toppers I made for each of my students as a Valentine gift.

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