Friday, March 30, 2012

Zoo Field Trip

Though it was cold and drizzly all day my students had a blast at the zoo! Lots of zoo babies including lion cubs, foxes and a calf, for the kids to see this year! We also had the pleasure of seeing quite a few of the animals using the rest room (hippo, cow and giraffe). But, by far, the best part was how much the kids were learning. As we went along there were so many opportunities to teach them little facts like what it means to be nocturnal or camouflaged, why camels have humps, how to tell if a peacock is male or female, etc. While of course it's no where close to being true, it made my day when Amber enthusiastically said, "Miss Popkey, you know everything!"

Lion cubs fight over a stump to chew on
This calf is only 2 weeks old!
Male peacocks are the ones with the pretty feathers.
Giant tracks
Noah's silly shark mask

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